Curtains – A Community Theatre Production
Directed By Theresa & Doug Robbins
Music Directed By Mark Landis
We hope to begin in person rehearsals in May. We will begin virtual rehearsals of characterization and lines prior to May 1, as per our calendar.
Rehearsals will be Monday, Wednesday, Thursday from 6:30-9:00 in person beginning May 6.
Rehearsals will take place at Southland Community Church or online, based on availability of space and CDC recommendations.
Performances location is TBA, Dates are scheduled for June 25-28
Full Rehearsal Schedule – on our calendar here. This is ESTIMATED and may adjust based on cast needs for learning blocking and music.
We are a non-profit. Our student productions have a fee structure of $175 including their audition fee. For our Community Theatre production we have a slightly different structure due to less costs associated with the performance. We do not charge an audition fee and only charge $125 for the production. You can choose to raise sponsorships for the show totaling the amount of $250 and your production fee is waived. If you have a financial need and cannot afford the production fee, please email Mark Landis at mark@cgfinearts.org to receive our Financial Aide information.
Costumes are provided wherever possible, but we will ask you provide materials such as pants and shoes that you own or can be found at Goodwill.